Session Info

01: Pre-Session Consultation
This is our chance to get to know each other before the session. I will send you a questionnaire and you will answer a fews questions all about your family and what you envision for family photos. If you need any help or advice, we will schedule a phone call. I can help you select outfits, chat about pricing and answer all your burning questions.
02: Photography Session
My sessions take place outdoors, in my studio or in your home. The session will last 1.5-2 hours. Enjoy family snuggles, lots of fun and laughs while I capture candid and intimate family photographs.
03: Design & Ordering Process
4-6 weeks after our photo session you will get an email from me. The email will have contain link to your private gallery! This is the time when you decide what package you want to order.
What is Natural Newborn Photography?
Natural newborn photography focuses on telling the story of your growing family. I believe that babies are perfect just the way they are and do not need to be posed. At every session, I capture images that showcase your baby’s unique personality and the relationships of your family.
With this in mind, I respectfully ask that you refrain from bringing any newborn costumes and props to your session. I do my best to avoid current trends, and prefer to focus on photographing beautiful and authentic moments.
Where do Your Session Take Place?
The location of your session is a crucial element of the portrait planning process. It has a huge impact on the mood and final outcome of your photographs.
When you book a session with me, you have three options for photos. In my home studio, out around town, or in your home. We will chat when you book your session and I’ll help you select a location that best fits your vision.
Please note that all my newborn shoots take place in client’s homes in an around the city of Calgary. Family sessions take place at a location of your choice. For family sessions, I like to start in your home and move outside. Using your home as a backdrop is the best way to capture natural newborn photography that tells the story of your growing family.
What Should We Wear For Photos?
The most important thing to remember when planning outfits for your newborn or family session is to pick clothes that make you feel like yourself. I want you to feel comfortable and natural.
I personally love lots of colour. Colour looks especially beautiful on film and I love incorporating it into my family sessions. I also love flowing but casual dresses, and loose hair that’s a little wild.
During my sessions I recommend that you avoid clothing with logos, as well as black and navy clothing. Another look to avoid is all matching in white (or any other colour for that matter).
Picking clothing for photoshoots can be hard. I am always here to help you make decisions before your shoot. I also have a few Pinterest boards with clothing examples if you are feeling stuck.
When do Newborn Sessions Take Place?
The ideal time for natural newborn photography is within the first three weeks of life. Babies are very sleepy and easy to work with during this time. Because babies are generally less fussy in the first few weeks, I find these sessions are more predictable and I am able to get the photos done quicker.
As a mom myself, I understand that life sometimes gets in the way, and that you may not be ready for photographs in the first 3 weeks. With this in mind, I am also happy to photograph older newborns. If you wait longer, and get photographs taken around 8 weeks, your baby will be more alert. During this time, we can get beautiful photos of baby making eye contact and interacting with you and your family.
Do You Shoot Film?
Yes I do! There is something so special about film. I love the creamy skin tones, beautiful bokeh and tonal range that this medium offers. Film feels classic, nostalgic and a bit soft and grainy. For me, these qualities perfectly encapsulate how a memory should feel. Film forces me to slow down and be present in the moment. While I do love shooting film, a digital camera is still vital to my workflow. I am so thankful for my digital camera when I am shooting in low light.
Check out this blog post for a more detailed discussion of why I shoot film.
How Much Will My Photos Cost?
A session fee of $300 is due when you book your newborn or family photo session with me. This covers a pre-session consultation, and the time it takes to photograph your session. Digital files and artwork are not included in the session fee. I love when my clients walk away with tangible art from their sessions. For full pricing information, check out my pricing page.
I'm worried my house it too dark and messy!
Your house does not have to be Pinterest perfect to take amazing photos. I get that life with kids is crazy (you should see the mess at my house), and I am used to working around the clutter that comes with small children. I have lighting equipment that can be used to create light, bright and airy photographs if your home is on the dark side.
Help! I'm Nervous About Having My Photo Taken
I’m here and my job is to make sure you look and feel beautiful in your photos. I promise to guide you through the process and pose you in the most flattering way possible.
I totally get, I feel self conscious about how I look in photos too. Here is the pep talk I give myself before I have to be in a photo. Be bold. Get in the frame. Stop letting society police your body and tell you that you are not thin, beautiful or perfect enough to be in a photograph. Remember that you are your harshest critic and that your children will look back at these photos and remember how beautiful you are.
For the full version of this pep talk read my blog post titled Mama Get in The Frame.
How do I book a session with you?
I’m so glad you asked! Send me an email at: or visit my contact page. I am so excited to get to know you and your family!